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  • A Comprehensive List Of Psychoactive Plants

A Comprehensive List Of Psychoactive Plants

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Many plant species have been consumed by humans for the psychoactive effects they produce. These effects can vary as some psychoactive compounds affect mood and cognitive behavior, while others alter consciousness and have hallucinogenic effects. The majority of these plants are used all over the world as psychoactive drugs for medicinal, religious, or recreational purposes.

Let’s start this list with some of the most commonly used psychoactive plants and then move to the lesser-known ones.

Well-Known Psychoactive Plants List

Coca (Erythroxylum coca)

Coca is a shrub that is commonly found in the tropical climate of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. The coca leaves contain the alkaloid cocaine and have been chewed by native Americans of Peru and Bolivia for centuries. It is believed that they used this plant in order to withstand hard working conditions, hunger, and thirst. Coca leaves can also be processed into a white crystalline powder, better known as cocaine. When ingested in small amounts cocaine produces feelings of euphoria and well-being with decreased appetite, fatigue, and improved mental alertness. Cocaine abuse, which is a huge drug problem thought much of the 20th and 21st centuries grew alarmingly. Cocaine is responsible for an increased proportion of drug-related deaths.

Cannabis (Cannabis sativa)

Cannabis is grown all over the world and it’s probably the most widespread psychoactive plant. Best known for its recognizable leaves, it has been used in religious practices in India and Africa for centuries. The active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is most concentrated in flowers of female plants. The flowers are often dried and crushed so that they can be smoked out of pipes or joints, also they can be added to foods and beverages. The cannabis effects are mostly psychological, followed by mild euphoria.

Salvia (Salvia divinorum)

Salvia divinorum, also known as Sage of the Diviners, is a member of the mint family, native to Mexico. The plant is hallucinogenic and has historically been used by shamans to achieve elevated states of consciousness. Salvia is not regulated under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning that it’s legal in most parts of the United States. The leaves are mostly smoked or eaten. The active compound in salvia is salvinorin A, which causes short-lived hallucinations, changes in mood, and body sensations followed by feelings of detachment.

Betel nut (Areca catechu)

This plant is not so well known in the west, however, betel chewing is the habit of an estimated one-tenth of the world’s population and it is considered to be the fourth most commonly used psychoactive drug in the world, following alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Betel nuts are cultivated in India, Thailand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. In order to chew betel quids, a small piece of the betel nut is wrapped in a leaf of the unrelated betel pepper plant as well as a slaked lime pellet. Chewing this plant releases a number of alkaloids that cause a mild euphoria. Regular users often have red-stained lips and teeth. This practice is important in many cultural traditions in Southeast Asia, however, it is considered to be an addictive practice that can lead to serious health problems such as oral cancer.

Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

Opium poppy, native to Turkey, is nowadays a common plant decorating many gardens in the United States. When the unripe seed capsules are cut, they produce milky white latex which is the source of raw opium, which can be later processed into morphine, codeine, and heroin. Known as opiates, these drugs affect the brain and spinal cord. Opium relieves pain, alleviates anxiety, and induces relaxation and sedation. Sometimes it may contribute to a state of euphoria or improved mood. Physiological effects of opioids include a slowing of heart rate and respiration, suppression of cough reflex, and relaxation of gastrointestinal smooth muscles.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa)

Hawaiian baby Woodrose seeds contain a psychedelic compound called D-lysergic acid amide, commonly known as LSA. A few hallucinogenic plants contain this compound. The effects are described to be similar to LSD. Visual and auditory hallucinations, followed by a distorted sense of time and space.

Peyote Cactus (Lophophora williamsii)

Native Americans who ritually use peyote cactus, like most other hallucinogens, claim that the drug promotes morality and ethical behavior among them. Peyote is a well-known member of psychedelic plants and similarly to other psychedelics, it is not considered to be addictive.

Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi)

Ayahuasca is a South American native plant, its vines are used as the primary ingredient for a psychoactive drink with the same name. The active ingredient in ayahuasca is DMT which is found in most parts of the plant, but it’s believed that DMT in leaves is most concentrated. This plant has great cultural value to a number of Amazonian people, it has been popularized among tourists that seek “spiritual awakening”. Consumption of this plant is commonly followed by vomiting or diarrhea.

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

Tobacco is native to both South and North America. This psychoactive plant produces distinctive large sticky leaves where nicotine, an active ingredient in tobacco, is concentrated the most. It has a unique biphasic psychoactive effect: when inhaled in short puffs, this drug acts as a stimulant, while when smoked in long drags, it acts as a sedative. Therefore, smoking can at times feel invigorating and at other times seem to block stressful stimuli. Nicotine, when ingested in large doses, is a toxic poison that causes vomiting, nausea, headaches, stomach pains, convulsions, and even death in severe cases. Regular consumption of tobacco is linked to numerous health problems, including cancer and emphysema.

Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)

Jimson weed or Datura as some people like to call it grows throughout much of North America, South America, and Europe. It is an annual plant with spiky seed pods and white tubular flowers. The seeds and leaves contain potent tropane alkaloids hyoscyamine and hyoscine that cause deliriant effects. It has been used by numerous indigenous peoples as it allegedly produces intense spiritual visions. However, this plant is highly dangerous and it can easily have fatal results. Users often report terrifying deliriant hallucinations and may experience prolonged side effects such as blurred vision.

Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa)

Wild lettuce is a specie that grows in Pakistan, India, and Australia. It produces a milky liquid called lactucarium. It contains two psychoactive compounds lactucin and lactucopicrin. These compounds have sedative, analgetic, and slightly euphoric effects when consumed. Wild lettuce can produce intense auditory hallucinations, it may also cause side effects such as dizziness and anxiety.

Coffee (Coffea)

Coffea is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It’s beans are used to make Coffee, one of the most popular and widespread used psychoactive beverage in the world. The fruits and the seeds, contain a large quantity of caffeine. The effects of this plants are mildly euphoric, and energizing as it stimulates the nervous system. However in high doses caffeine causes numerous side effects such as rapid heart beat, insomnia, dehydration, anxiety, headaches and dizziness.

Blue Lotus

Recent studies suggest that blue lotus has psychedelic properties, and may have been used as a sacrament among ancient Egyptians and certain South American cultures. Doses of 5 to 10 grams of this gorgeous flowers induces slight stimulation, shifts in thought processes, and enhanced visual perception with mild closed-eye visuals. In heavier doses it produces relaxing and sedative effects.

What Are Psychoactive Alkaloids?

Psychoactive alkaloids are naturally occurring organic nitrogen-containing bases. They have diverse and important physiological effects on humans and other mammals. Some of the best-known alkaloids include morphine, ephedrine, nicotine, tryptamine, cannabinoids, cocaine, and caffeine. Some plants can even be dangerous, for instance, in Silver maple tree indole alkaloid gramine was found which is extremely toxic, therefore not all alkaloids are safe.

Alkaloids are found primarily in plants and are common in certain families of flowering plants. As many as one-fourth of higher plants are estimated to contain alkaloids, of which several thousand types have been identified. Generally speaking, given species contain only a few different types of alkaloids. However, there are exceptions to this rule, as both opium poppy and ergot fungus contains more than 30 different types of alkaloids.

DMT Plants

For hundreds of years, shamanic traditions have ingested DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) as a psychedelic molecule for achieving altered states of consciousness. Many plant species naturally contain DMT, though not in amounts large enough to cause psychoactive effects if ingested or smoked.

There are theories that human body stores DMT in the pineal gland of the brain, and upon death high doses of DMT are released. It is possible that certain situations such as near-death experiences produce effects similar to DMT.

DMT can be extracted from plants in order to make pure DMT crystals, which are most of the time smoked for immediate effects.

Depending on where you live, you can legally purchase plants containing DMT. If you’re not using the plants to extract DMT or to make psychedelic substances like ayahuasca, it’s sometimes legal to buy DMT-containing plants.

Fabaceae Family of DMT-Containing Plants

Delosperma cooperi is also known as Trailing Iceplant or pick carpet. It’s a dwarf plant that originates from South Africa. It can reach the size of approximately 6 inches with fleshy leaves and dense and long-lasting flowers. It’s reported that it contains DMT, 5-MeO-DMT.

Prestonia amazonica is a hallucinogenic plant native to the Amazon rainforest in South America. It is a climber that grows primarily in wet tropical biomes. It’s characterized by ellipsoid leaves with yellow flowers. DMT is the active compound found in this specie.

Acacia acuminata, commonly known as mangart and jam, is a tree in the family of Fabaceae. It’s habituated in Western Australia. It has up to 1.5% alkaloids, mainly consisting of dimethyltryptamine in root bark and leaves.

Acacia baileyana or Cootamundra wattle is a small tree native to Australia, South Africa, and parts of South America. It contains 0.02% DMT in the leaves.

Acacia auriculiformis, commonly known as Auri, Northern black wattle, or Papuan wattle is a fast-growing, gnarly tree in the family Fabaceae. It is native to Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. 5-MeO-DMT is found in stem bark.

Senegalia berlandieri is a shrub native to northeast Mexico and the Southwestern United States that belongs to the Mimosoid clade of Fabaceae. It grows up to 16 ft tall, with blossoms that are white, and spherical. DMT, phenethylamine, mescaline, and nicotine have all been found in this plant.

Senegalia catechu is a thorny tree from the acacia species that grows up to 50 ft in height. It has DMT and other tryptamines in leaves and bark.

Senegalia chundra is a deciduous tree native to southeast Asia, India, and the Indian Ocean area. DMT has been found in leaves and bark.

Acacia colei is a perennial tropical shrub legume Acacia native to southern Asia and northern Australia. A common name for this plant is Cole’s wattle. It contains DMT.

Acacia confusa is a tree native to South-East Asia. It grows to a height of 50 feet. The tree has become very common in many tropical Pacific areas, including Hawaii. Active compounds found are DMT & NMT in leaf, stem & bark, exactly 0.04% NMT and 0.02% DMT in stem.

Acacia farnesiana, commonly known as sweet acacia, or needle bush, is a species of shrub in the legume family, Fabaceae. Its flowers are used in the perfume industry. Traces of 5-MeO-DMT as well as Amphetamines and mescaline are found in the tree bark.

Acacia floribunda is an evergreen tree. It is a species of wattle native to New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria. DMT found in this plant ranges from 0.3-0.4%.

Acacia jurema also known as Mimosa tenuiflora is a perennial tree or shrub native to the northeastern region of Brazil and found as far north as southern Mexico. White fragrant flowers occur in loosely cylindrical spikes, while the leaves contain 15–33 pairs of bright green leaflets. Traces of DMT and NMT have been found in this plant.

Senegalia laeta is a perennial small tree with a greyish-green bark, with a pink slash. DMT is found in the leaves of this species.

Acacia longifolia is native to southeastern Australia. Common names for it include long-leaved wattle, golden wattle, coast wattle, sallow wattle, and Sydney golden wattle. There has been found 0.2% tryptamine in tree bark, 0.2% DMT in plants as well as histamine alkaloids.

Acacia maidenii, also known as Maiden’s wattle, is a tree native to Australia. It has been introduced into India, Argentina, and South Africa, where this species grows to this day. It has 0.6% NMT and DMT in about a 2:3 ratio in the stem bark. Both substances are present in the leaves as well.

Acacia melanoxylon, known as the Australian blackwood, is native specie in Southeastern Australia.DMT is found in the bark and leaves but less than 0.02% of total alkaloids.

Senegalia mellifera is a common thorn tree in all parts of Africa. The name mellifera refers to its sweet-smelling flowers. DMT is found in the leaves of this species.

Acacia nilotica, is known by the names of gum arabic tree, thorn mimosa, and Egyptian acacia. It is a flowering tree in the family of Fabaceae. It is native to Africa, the Middle East, and India. It has DMT in the leaves as well.

Acacia neurophylla, also known as wodjil, is a tree belonging to the Acacia species. It is native to southwestern Australia. The tree can grow up to 16 feet and produces yellow flowers from May to November. DMT is found in bark, while Harman is in the leaves.

Acacia obtusifolia, commonly called stiff-leaf wattle or blunt-leaf wattle, belongs to the family Fabaceae in the subfamily Mimosoideae. It contains Tryptamine, DMT, NMT, and other tryptamines, DMT is found ranging from 0.4-0.5% in dried bark, 0.15-0.2% in leaf, 0.07% in branch tips

Acacia phlebophylla, also known by the names Buffalo sallow wattle and Mount Buffalo wattle, is a straggling shrub. Around 0.3% of DMT in leaves is found.

Acacia podalyriifolia is a fast-growing tree that is widely cultivated. It originated in Australia but is also found in Malaysia, Africa, India, and South America. This species contains up to 2% of DMT in the bark.

Senegalia polyacantha, also known as the white thorn. This tree is native to Africa, India, and India, but it has also been introduced to the Caribbean. Leaves of this plant contain DMT and other alkaloids.

Vachellia seyal, commonly known as red acacia, is a thorny tree with a pale greenish or reddish bark that grows around 30 feet in height. It’s characterized by feathery leaves and light grey thorns. DMT is found in the leaves. The ether extracts about 1-7% of DMT from the dried leaf mass.

Acacia senegal is a small thorny tree, which is known by several common names, including gum acacia, gum arabic tree, and Sudan gum arabic. In parts of India, it is known as Kher or Khor. It is native to semi-desert regions of Africa, Pakistan, Oman, and west coastal India. Around 0.1% of DMT is in found leaves and bark.

Acacia simplex is a climbing tree native to islands located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. There is 0.81% DMT found in the bark of this tree.

Albizia inundata is a tree native to South America that can grow up to 80 feet in height. The leaves of this species contain dimethyltryptamine.

Anadenanthera colubrina is a mimosa-like timber tree native to South America, it has been used in the production of gum and honey. The psychoactive compound 5-MeO-DMT was isolated from the bark of the stems.

Desmanthus illinoensis, best known as Illinois bundle flower, or prickleweed, is a common plant in many areas of the south-central and Midwestern United States, where it’s considered an invasive species. DMT in this plant ranges from 0–0.34% and it’s highly variable. NMT and gramine are also found in this species.

Desmanthus leptolobus is commonly known as prairie mimosa, prairie bundle flower, or slender lobe bundle flower. It’s a flowering plant of the genus Desmanthus, native to Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, this species has spread to Missouri and New Mexico as well. 0.14% of DMT is found in root bark, and it’s more reliable than D. illinoensis.

Codariocalyx motorius, best known as the telegraph plant, dancing plant, or semaphore plant, is a tropical shrub commonly found in Asia, it is one of a few plants capable of rapid movement. Both DMT and 5-MeO-DMT have been found in the leaves and root bark of this specie.

Lespedeza bicolor is a species of flowering plant known by the common names shrubby bush clover, and shrub lespedeza. It is native to Asia where it’s widely grown as an common ornamental plant. DMT and 5-MeO-DMT have been found in leaves and roots.

Mimosa ophthalmocentra, is a tree in the family Fabaceae, native to Brazil. It is a small tree that can grow about 16 feet tall. The blossoms of this species are long, narrow, and cylindrical in shape, having yellowish-white petals. The dried root of this plant contains 1.6% of DMT, 0.0012% NMT, and 0.0065% hordenine.

Mimosa tenuiflora, is a shrub native to the northeastern region of Brazil and found as far north as southern Mexico. This plant was allegedly used by ancient south american cultures. It is commonly found in lower altitudes, but it can be found as high as 3,300 ft. DMT is found in this plant ranging from 0.31-0.57% in the dry root bark.

Mucuna pruriens is a tropical legume that originated in Africa and tropical Asia. Its common names are monkey tamarind, Bengal velvet bean, Florida velvet bean, and Mauritius velvet bean. The plant is known for the extreme itchiness it produces on contact. The seeds, leaves, stems, and roots contain Serotonin, 5-HTP, L-Dopa, and Nicotine, as well as N, N-DMT, and 5-MeO-DMT.

Phyllodium pulchellum is a plant in the family of Fabaceae. Traditionally in Bangladesh, the bark of this plant is used to treat hemorrhage, diarrhea, poisoning, and eye diseases. There have been 0.2% 5-MeO-DMT found in the plant followed by small quantities of DMT that are more dominant in young plants.

Subfamily Caesalpinioideae

Petalostylis cassioides is a shrub that spreads up to 5 feet. It’s commonly found in Australia with DMT ranging from 0.4-0.5% in leaves and stems.

Petalostylis labicheoides commonly known as butterfly bush is another species found in Australia. DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are found in leaves and stems, with MAOs up to 0.5%.

Subfamily Malpighiaceae

Diplopterys cabrerana is a shrub native to the Amazon. This plant is an important admixture in the preparation of ayahuasca brew. DMT in leaves of this plant stands at 0.17%.


Horsfieldia superba is a tree found in Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, and Singapore. It is used in traditional herbal medicine and contains an alkaloid called horsfiline, which is recognized for its analgesic effects. It also contains 5-MeO-DMT in fresh bark.

Virola calophylla is a species of tree native to Central America and South America. The tree grows up to 82 ft tall and it is found in low-altitude evergreen forests. Leaves of this plant contain 0.149% DMT and 0.006% 5-MeO-DMT in bark.

Virola calophylloidea is a species of tree in the family Myristicaceae that contains DMT in leaves.

Virola cuspidata is a species of tree in the family Myristicaceae. DMT is found in the bark, roots, and leaves of this plant.

Virola elongata is a tree native to most parts of South America. It is a thin tree that can sometimes grow up to 98 ft in height. There are DMT and 5-MeO-DMT in bark, roots, leaves, and flowers of this species. is a tree native to most parts of South America. It is a thin tree that can sometimes grow up to 98 ft in height. There are DMT and 5-MeO-DMT in bark, roots, leaves, and flowers of this species.

Virola multinervia is a species of tree in the family Myristicaceae that contains DMT and 5-MeO-DMT in bark and roots.

Virola peruviana is a species of tree in the subfamily Myristicaceae, that is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. It can grow to a height of up to 100 ft. The bark of this tree contains 5-MeO-DMT, traces of DMT, and 5-MeO-tryptamine.

Virola sebifera is a species of tree native to North and South America. It is a tall, thin tree that grows up to 98 ft in height. There are 5-MeO-DMT, traces of DMT, and 5-MeO-tryptamine in the trunk bark.


Ochnaceae Testulea gabonensis is a species of plant that is found in Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon. Loss of habitat poses a threat to it. It contains 0.2% of 5-MeO-DMT, small quantities of NMT, and DMT in bark and root.


Genus Pandanus, often referred to as Screw Pine contains DMT in nuts.

Poaceae (Gramineae)

Arundo donax is a tall perennial cane. It has several names including giant cane, elephant grass, carrizo, or Spanish cane. Arundo donax grows in damp soils, either moderately saline or fresh, and is native to the Greater Middle East. DMT content in this plant is 0.0057% in the dried rhizome.

Phalaris aquatica, known by the common names bulbous canary grass and Harding grass, is an erect, waist-high, stout perennial bunch grass. Flowering heads are spike-like, dense, and usually 2 to 5 inches long. The alkaloids found in this species are 0.100% DMT, 0.022% 5-MeO-DMT, and 0.005% 5-OH-DM.

Phalaris brachystachys, commonly called confused canary grass or short spike canary grass, is an annual grass that is native to the Mediterranean region. It grows most actively during the spring and fall, with its aerial parts containing up to 3% total alkaloids with DMT presence.

Phragmites australis, known as the common reed, is a species of plant that is broadly distributed among wetland grass and it can grow up to 20 feet tall. It contains DMT in the roots.


Eriogonum is a flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae. The genus is commonly found in North America and is known as wild buckwheat. It’s believed that it contains DMT.


Psychotria carthagenensis, is called amyruca as well, it is a shrub from the coffee family found in South American rainforests. There 0.2% average DMT in dried leaves.

Psychotria viridis, also known as chacruna or chacronais a shrubby flowering plant in the coffee family Rubiaceae. This plant is one part of the ayahuasca brew, with a long history of entheogenic use among the Indigenous groups in the Amazon. There is DMT in ranges of 0.1-0.61% in dried mass.

Phyllodium pulchellum is a large shrub. Pollinators are attracted to the large, red bracts surrounding the upright or semi-erect inflorescences. DMT is found in its leaves and roots.

Psychotria rostrata is a shrub native to South America that contains DMT. However, the amount of DMT in leaves is not precisely known.

Psychotria forsteriana is another South American rainforest shrub that contain DMT with its precise alkaloid content being unknown.


Tetradium ruticarpum is a tree that comes from China and Korea. It is considered to be a medicinal herb in Chinese traditional medicine for ages. It has 5-MeO-DMT in leaves, fruit, and roots.

Limonia acidissima is the only species in the genus Limonia. Common names for the species in English are wood-apple or elephant-apple. It contains 5-MeO-DMT in stems.

Vepris ampody is another plant from Rutaceae family that contains up to 0.2% DMT in bark and leaves.

Zanthoxylum juniperinum is a species of plant that is found in most parts of South America, it contains DMT in leaves.

How Are DMT-Containing Plants Used?

Specific properties of DMT-containing plants will define the best way to use them. Some plants, like yopo seeds, are best when used in a traditional manner. Other species like chaliponga and P. viridis, are great components when used in ayahuasca brews. Some other plants like Chaliponga and P. viridis can also be used in making changa, a synergistic herbal smoking blend, while other plants like Mimosa hostilis are ideal for extracting DMT.

Ingesting psychoactive plants that contain DMT without preparation is unlikely to produce much of a psychedelic experience. This is due to the body breaking down DMT relatively quickly and the quantities of DMT in hallucinogenic plants are relatively small. However, when combined with MAOI the strength of DMT will greatly increase. For instance, the plant Peganum harmala contains something called harmala alkaloids which are its primary psychoactive compounds, which have slightly hallucinogenic properties on their own. Harmala is considered a medicinal plant, as its alkaloids function as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

Plant-derived DMT can be used in changas, or smoked on its own.

Smoking pure DMT crystal on its own can produce a short-lived and somewhat overwhelming experience. It also requires more careful smoking techniques, and preferably additional equipment, to avoid overheating the crystal (which destroys the DMT). A bong or vaporizer is usually used for this purpose.

Changa is simply made by dissolving the extracted DMT into a solvent, soaking it in a plant mixture, and smoking it once it’s completely dry. It can be smoked with a bong, pipe or rolled into a joint.

List of Psychoactive Plants That Are Legal

There’s a difference between hallucinogenic and psychoactive plants. Hallucinogenic plants inspire changes in visual and auditory perception, most of the time they are able to completely shift one’s reality. The hallucinogenic plant is typically classified as an entheogen, a plant that produces profound spiritual experiences. Almost all of the most potent hallucinogenic plants are illegal including ayahuasca, peyote, and magic mushrooms. However, a few hallucinogenic plants remain unregulated.


This common household spice may produce more profound effects than most people might expect. Myristicin is the psychoactive compound in nutmeg, which shares similar properties with mescaline, the primary active substance in peyote. Large doses of nutmeg can cause hallucinations, dizziness, and intoxication. However, there are side effects of taking such high doses of nutmeg such as nausea, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal distress. Also, there are some other plants from the nutmeg family that may cause similar effects such as several Virola species.


The root of the mandrake plant is hallucinogenic, but it’s not recommended to consume. The long thick shaped roots are filled with psychoactive alkaloids. Eating the root will cause sleepiness and hypnotic hallucinations, which can seem very appealing, however, it can also be very dangerous as it may induce asphyxiation and even coma.

Morning Glory

There are many different types of morning glories that are considered to be psychoactive plants, however, it is believed that the strain commonly known as “heavenly blue” is the most potent. The morning glory seeds contain ergoline alkaloids such as d-lysergic acid amide (LSA) and other alkaloids. The Seeds of Ipomoea tricolor and Turbina corymbosa are mostly used as a psychedelic. It is believed that the effects of LSA are similar to the effects of LSD when taken in large doses. Seeds are harvested from the mature plant, then crushed and most of the time extracted with cold water, to make a potent psychedelic drink.

Conclusion – Psychoactive Plants List

As you can see there are many psychedelic plants on our beautiful planet. The psychoactive properties differ from plant to plant as not all alkaloids are the same. However, some psychoactive plants share the same active components such as DMT or a 5-MeO-DMT. These psychoactive plants don’t necessarily have to be from the same family or genus. Most of the time DMT is found in the bark, leaves, and roots, and many of them have been used as medicinal plants traditionally among many different cultures.

There are many common household plants like nutmeg, morning glory, and mandrake that have psychoactive properties. These legal plants can be used as ornaments for your garden or home, but extracting their active ingredients may be illegal depending on where you live.

Many of these majestic plants such as ayahuasca, peyote, cannabis, and salvia have traditionally been used by indigenous groups for spiritual rituals. Blue lotus, coca, opium poppy, and many other plants have also been used as a natural medicine in various cultures. Other plants are considered part of a tradition in many civilizations across the world such as betel nut, coffee, and tobacco. Without a doubt these special plants have a rich history and a bright future for humankind.

The Ultimate Magic Mushroom Strain Guide

Unlock the secrets of the magical world of mushrooms with 'The Ultimate Magic Mushroom Strain Guide'. Learn all about the different psilocybin mushroom strains nature has to offer.



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