““It is the energy behind the method which heals.”
~ Sandra Ingerman ~
I am a Spiritual Healer, having undergone my own personal initiation into the healing profession, through a ‘spiritual crisis/shamanic illness’ which I had to work through over the course of several years. This initiation to truly answer the ‘call’ into spiritual healing and walk the shamanic path, challenged me to not only face my shadow, but also heal myself in a deeply intense way, which I was not expecting, or indeed ready for at the time. My personal healing journey was however, the most profound teaching, as it taught me not only about the power of energy, but most importantly about the power of God/Source/Spirit, and working with the universal forces of nature, multi-dimensional, angelic and spiritual realms, in order to heal. It is in honour of this journey, and the forces above, that I offer my service to channel Divine healing and teachings, through the purity of intention, within which I do my work.
I am professionally qualified as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (MBACP), as well as a certified Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Healer and Energy Healer in private practice. I am also a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), a member of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), as well as a UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) member in training, undergoing an accredited Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training at The Guild of Psychotherapists, which I have been immersed in for the past 8 years. I have worked with clients in psychotherapy for the past 10 years, working in clinical, community and institutional settings, with both individuals and groups. I initially obtained my undergraduate degree in BSc (Hons) Psychology and Social Anthropology at Brunel University, completed an Introductory Course in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at The London Centre for Psychotherapy (LCP), and hold a PGDip in Psychotherapy for Practitioners in Therapeutic Environments, accredited by Middlesex University.
Having worked within the field of mental health for the past 17 years has provided me with the privilege of not only being able to work clinically with clients, but also being able to practically engage clients in a more humanistic, personal and meaningful way. I worked for Wandsworth and Westminster Mind, Portugal Prints; a dynamic creative arts recovery project that supports individuals affected by mental health issues, as well as having worked for 5 years as a manager and therapist for Community, Housing & Therapy (CHT); a therapeutic community which provides individual and group psychotherapy to individuals experiencing severe mental ill health. I went on to work with individuals in psychoanalytic psychotherapy for Islington Mind’s Psychosis Therapy Project, where I was also the lead group facilitator for a psychotherapy group which I took the initiative to set up. I also lectured and was the clinical supervisor on a PGDip Psychotherapy course which was accredited by Middlesex University, have experience working with individuals in both clinical group and individual supervision, as well as facilitated both staff and psychotherapy trainee dialogue groups. I later completed an Art Therapy Foundation Course with the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT), which enables me to understand, interpret and work therapeutically with clients and their art.
I currently work in private practice, and have worked practically on an acute psychiatric inpatient ward setting within the NHS for 5 years, where I encourage, support and engage clients who suffer with severe mental health difficulties, so that they can feel more hopeful, empowered and motivated to engage with their rehabilitation and recovery process. This approach enables them to slowly start to develop more meaning and purpose, so that they can take the necessary steps, in order to embark upon, and embrace their own healing and personal journey in life. Through the coordination and facilitation of various recreational groups (i.e. art, music, African drumming, movement, meditation, writing and discussion groups, etc.), clients start to establish more joy, meaning and a sense of purpose for themselves, which helps them to envisage a more bright and hopeful future, beyond the mere enclosure of institutionalised settings. This recreational way of working with individuals had enlightened me of the importance of play, creativity and meaningful activity in order to motivate, inspire and heal; a philosophy which I also adopt and apply within my healing and therapeutic practice when working individually with clients. I also offer psychotherapy to individuals who are on a low income, and from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities, within my work with The Guild Clinic (i.e. Project 30 and City Bridge Trust).
I was a dedicated and committed Ridhwan UK3 member of the ‘Diamond Approach‘ for 5 years; a psycho-spiritual approach developed by A. H. Almaas. The Diamond Approach is an approach which bridges the traditional dichotomies of the psychological and the spiritual, body and soul, offering a reformulation of insights obtained from depth psychology, Sufism, Gurdjieff’s Work and Buddhism. It’s intensive in-depth approach facilitates a process which allows access to our fundamental nature, to the essence of who we are. I have also been initiated into the Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki, which are based on the initiatory practices of the Q’ero shamans of Peru. The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means “I love you” or “be as thou art”; emphasising both the importance and energetic healing nature of love, which essentially is at the heart of our true nature and being. Having received these rites, I am also officially able to initiate and pass on these rites onto others who also wish to receive them. The Munay-Ki are a set of nine empowerment rites, which inspire the awakening of personal development, as well as helps us to become more fully conscious and connected with ourselves, our higher purpose and our environment. The Munay-Ki enables us to become both instruments of peace, as well as agents for change and transformation in the lives of ourselves, as well as others. A practice which I challenge myself to engage with daily, within my personal, social and professional life.
I have trained and qualified as a Shamanic Practitioner with Christa Mackinnon, and work with ceremony, shamanic journeying, soul retrieval and the medicine wheel, in order to help individuals bring about and manifest personal healing, transformation and growth. I have also trained with Maestro Shaman Richard Down to work with Icaro (shamanic medicine song) in order to channel healing to others purely through sound. I trained with Copal Daselva as a Shamanic Energy Healer and have experience with shifting energy blockages which reside within the body, in order to assist and support with the process of physical, mental, and emotional healing, as well as having trained as a Shamanic Spiritual Healer with James Philip, which utilise Alchemy Energetics, Eagle Alchemy and Core Energetics. This technique enables one to energetically heal issues within this incarnation, past incarnations, as well as ancestral issues. It also facilitates the release of any entities, attachments or thought forms, severing of energetic cords, psychic surgery, karmic release, soul retrieval, integration of higher Divine light, self-realisation, co-creation of future timelines, grounding, realignment, and the healing and development of the inner child. I have experience and learnt to work with various ancient shamanic, energy healing, psychic healing, multi-dimensional healing, intuitive and light body integration methods and techniques in order to assist with clearing entities and healing the soul. I was a student of Dr. Darius Meibodi and Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl, as well as having worked with Sue Allen, Daan Van Kampenhout and Simon Buxton, in order to inform my practice within psychic and energy healing, medical intuition, spiritual healing, light body integration, multi-dimensional healing, as well as Native American, Toltec, Nahuatl and Mesoamerican shamanic traditions. The tools and techniques which I have learnt within these approaches, enables me to draw upon more traditional forms of energy healing, shamanic, psychic and intuitive practices, which I am also able to utilise within my therapeutic and healing work with clients.
I have experience working with individuals who have encountered challenging psychedelic and other drug related experiences, both within my work at festivals within Harm Reduction Services, as well as within my clinical work and private practice. I am also listed on the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies’ (MAPS) Psychedelic Integration List. I have also worked with individuals who had experienced ‘spiritual emergencies’, as well as having experienced my own, which was not only profoundly meaningful, but essentially pivotal in the transformation and personal growth which it brought forth both within my own, as well as the lives of the individuals which I worked with. I have worked with individuals from different cultures, traditions, religions and ethnic backgrounds, helping to support them with the challenges they face. I also aim to help support each client’s unique process of individuation, so that they can develop the confidence to determine and embark upon the path which feels right for them.
My own personal healing journey, as well as my love, passion and enjoyment for and within my work with people, was the driving force behind the creation of my workshops, and the various services which I offer. My services and workshops aim to integrate ancient shamanic spiritual healing techniques, with our own modern day psychotherapeutic tools in order to heal at the level of the soul. I adopt a holistic and integrative approach, which acknowledges and takes account of the soul, spiritual, and energetic dimensions of reality, as well as the practical aspects which pertain to the nature of our psychological and relational selves. This approach helps me to channel insights and healing from beyond the physical realm, whilst helping individuals ground and integrate these experiences back into their psyche, energetic, spiritual, physical bodies and soul. I also help assist individuals to practically apply this knowledge within their own personal, spiritual, social, professional and daily lives. Tools and techniques which enable individuals to feel empowered to continue to engage within their own process of healing, transformation, personal development and growth.
I also currently work with analysts / supervisors, who are also qualified Shamanic Practitioners and Energy Psychotherapists. I am committed to continual personal and professional development, receive regular supervision and adhere to the Ethical Code of Conduct of The Guild of Psychotherapists, BACP, UKCP and ACEP.