What I can help you with:
Most of my clients come to get help coping with anxiety and depression. These feelings can stem from life transitions, difficulties in family of origin or trauma. They can also be stirred up by the unique experience of working as a creative in a demanding environment (that often does not lend itself to generating our best creative work). In addition, I help people prepare for psychedelic use; post experience we work to integrate insights or cope with challenging experiences.
How I work:
Some challenges will require us to work together weekly. For psychedelic preparation and integration, I offer short-term ad-hoc consultation when appropriate. If you would like to speak about working together, please contact me.
What you’ll likely experience working with me:
Adeptness at creating a safe environment and building trust with people who are apprehensive about the therapeutic process. Patience and empathy. I don’t shy away from offering feedback and respectful challenges. I work experientially, so I’m often asking about your experience in the present moment. Most of my clients get homework, assignments that we create collaboratively to test out new techniques, which can help progress go faster and change be more enduring.
My training background:
Postgraduate trainings include Mindfulness for Clinicians, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Somatic Intervention, Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration and Altered States of Consciousness for Integration. I hold a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Hunter College with a clinical focus; during my time there I studied the ways that trauma manifests in the body and how changing our body’s positioning can help shift our emotional state.
My experience:
I started my career working with unemployed adults, providing counseling and referrals. From there, I transitioned to working with older adolescents and adults involved in the criminal justice system, managing a supportive internship program, helping people prepare for interviews and providing one-on-one and group therapy. As a side project, I taught yoga and meditation at Riker’s Island to sentenced inmates. I run a digital and in-person community of parents who use psychedelics, plant medicines and cannabis called Plant Parenthood. I am also an assisting trainer with Fluence.
I opened my private practice in 2015.